Coaching Programs

No matter who you are, if you are wanting to learn how to set meaningful goals, gain clarity on life direction or achieve peak performance and well being, we have tailored programs that will allow you to become the best version of you and live in accordance to your strengths and values in the process.

View our tailored programs below.



Targeted at athletes or those wanting to achieve high levels of sporting performance.

Transform your performance in 6-weeks with our personalised program. Uncover your unique performance strategy to achieve peak performance and meaningful goals. We journey with you for six weeks, providing the resources, insights and ongoing support you need to understand and consistently attain your personal peak performance.


  • Performance profile and routines for entering your zone

  • Personality insights and plans to overcome barriers

  • Meaningful goal-setting

  • Email/WhatsApp suppport from Rory

  • Personalised performance/well-being app

  • Weekly 1-1 consultations (in person or via Skype)



Introductory coaching program for anyone wanting to kick start the process of understanding how they operate at their best.

Do you want to:

  • Find purpose

  • Learn the 5 key mental skills Olympic athletes use

  • Discover and maximise your strengths

  • Build the habits that will move you towards your potential

  • Break free of barriers to make 2019 your best year yet

How it works:

  • 2 x 1-1 consultations

  • 4 weeks of access to online resources and tools to build the mental skills to thrive

  • 4 weeks of chat support to turn your intentions into actions

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Feeling flat?
Not able to be at your best?

Life is full of challenges, many of which can have negative impacts on our physical health, psychological well-being and overall performance. But what if you were equiped, physically and mentally, with the awareness, support and tools to not just get through these challenges, but to thrive amidst them?

It is my belief that everyone has the right to thrive, which is why I have created a program to empower you to experience physical and mental well-being and take the best of yourself into what you do.

Introducing 'Perform-well'

Perform-well is an integrated health, well-being and performance program that brings together leading-edge psychology and physiology methods into one efficient, personalised package. Perform-well was initially developed by Rory to enable ongoing assessment and monitoring of key markers of health, well-being, resilience, recovery and performance in his elite athletes as they travelled overseas. This program is now open to anyone who wants to thrive in all areas of life.

Ideal for:

Going further in depth into the science of optimal well being, this program is for anyone who wants to experience the energy and well-being required to feel their best and be their best daily. This program is intended to be more long term for those wanting regular coaching (duration and program commitment can be tailored and modified over time in accordance to individual requirements).


  • 1-1 assessment (in person or Skype) to identity key areas to improve physical and psychological performance & well-being

  • Weekly check-in & goal-setting

  • Daily heart rate variability 'readiness' monitoring using mobile app

  • Analysis and interpretation of personal health and performance trends

  • Online resources and individual coaching support


  • Improved awareness of key performance variables

  • Improved ability to manage and recover from physical and psychological stressors

  • Enhanced energy

  • Improved psychological well-being